The leading real-time attraction index for city centers.

The City Center Liveliness Index offers analysed real-time data of visitor numbers in specified areas. The data is collected using mobile networks.

Measuring the number of stays in and visits to the area

How many people come to the city center?

Monitoring time spent in the area

How long are people staying in the city center?

The share of different lengths of visits

How is the time spent on visits divided?

Stays and visits on different days of the week

How do weekdays and weekends differ?

Busiest hours of the day

What times have the highest number of people

Which other municipalities people are visiting from

From which municipalities do most people come to the city center?

Get in touch for more information

Contact details

The most reliable way on the market to measure city center visitor numbers

The City Center Liveliness Index is the best method available to provide data on the entire city center. We have access to data on all Nordic city centers and municipalities going back to 2019.

Real-time proof of changes to city center behaviour

Up-to-date information is received every day from millions of Telia mobile devices.

The only method of measurement which works in all Nordic city centers

You will receive a complete picture of your chosen moment or time period and related key figures.

Examples of measurement results

index 126
The number of stays in the city center increased over the year
Brief visits (5–20 min) have become the most popular way to visit the city center
1 pm
The number of people in the city center was highest at lunchtime
The number of visits to the area increased

How to use the report

Developing  the city center
Monitoring the development of the city center
City planning
Traffic network planning
The city’s marketing and communications
Assessing the appeal of the city center during holiday periods

Frequently asked questions

Is it possible that the same person is counted more than once in your measurements?
No. The data processing takes this into account. Each person is unique and is only counted once per day in our report even if they leave the city center and return at a later time.
Are you able to monitor a specific person?
No. We process mass data and are therefore unable to monitor a specific individual.
How do you define the city center?
We define the city center in collaboration with each city.
Can you also measure previous years or periods in the past?
Yes, our data goes back as far as 2019.
Is this an online portal that we have to learn to use ourselves?
This is not a portal that you log in to; instead, we produce reports for you. The reports are comprehensive decision-making tools which we send you, complete with the relevant analysis. We will present the results for you and discuss them together.
Can our city center be compared to an area in another city?
Yes. You can define as many areas as you want. We will create a separate report for each area.
What is the difference between stays and visits?
A stay refers to a person spending between 5 minutes and 24 hours in the city center. We are able to separate shorter visits from these stays. A visit refers to a person spending more than 5 minutes but less than 4 hours in the city center.


The City of Helsinki

The Liveliness Index gives us great insight into how the flow of people changes from one month, day and hour to another. The timelines covering multiple years also show us how the flow of people changes for different reasons. The method which allows us to examine stays and visits of different lengths increases our understanding of how people move in the city center and what they may do in the area during visits of different lengths.
Minna Maarttola
Development Manager
The City of Helsinki

The Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce

Businesses need easily accessible and reliable data on how the flow of customers moves around the city center. It is particularly useful to learn how things like the changing seasons are reflected in the demand. The Liveliness Index also quickly gives us an insight into the impact of various exceptional circumstances, such as large building sites or traffic changes. The comparable data helps city decision makers, property owners and businesses to understand how to make sure that the city center remains vibrant.
Markku Lahtinen
The Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce